Why should you Reserve a Public Space? This allows you to have a better idea if there might be another party using the space at the same time, and if there is a way to assist, the Town would like to help.
Public Event: For those wishing to offer annually scheduled events in our parks, such as fitness classes, cultural celebrations, or run/walk marathons you can 'Reserve A Public Space.'
Private Event: For an event that is organized by an individual for the purpose of a small gathering without being advertised to the general public, such as birthday parties, staff BBQs, and school field trips you can 'Reserve A Public Space.'
Things to Remember: Parks and similar places are public spaces and users are welcome and encouraged to visit for both active and passive, casual and organized recreation. All Battlefordians have an equal opportunity to access these spaces.
If you're booking a large event that includes any of the following:
Please contact the Parks Office directly at 306-937-6216 to review various topics that will help you plan your event.
Please submit the form below for one-time use events.